CY24-004 FY24 JROTC Flight Academy ODT

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JROTC is offering 10 allocations for AFROTC cadets to participate in their JROTC Flight Academy.  This 8-week intensive program provides enough instruction to allow cadets to earn their Private Pilot Certificate (PPC)! 

The Flight Academy is targeted towards AS300 cadets competing for a rated AFSC.  (Due to the 8-week duration in the middle of summer, AS200s attending Field Training will not be considered.)  The primary goal is to get cadets their PPC, but this is also a strong leadership opportunity as selected cadets will be class leaders and mentors for up to 20 high school students during their training.

The deadline for Regions to finalize the cadet nominations to AFROTC/DOT via TEAMS is 01 Dec 23. The nomination spreadsheet is located at Reserve Officer Training Corps > DOT > Files > 002 HQ Sponsored ODTs > Flight Academy – JROTC > FY 24 > JROTC Flight Academy Nominations.xlsx

Region Primary Allocations are as followed:   NWR – 2 | NER – 2 | SER – 3 | SWR – 3

Alternates: NWR – 1 | NER – 1 | SER – 2 | SWR – 2

NOTE:  JROTC may receive more funding for additional cadets to attend, however, it will not be finalized until approx. January 2024.  Each Region should list their alternates in order of preference.  Regions will be contacted regarding alternate activation should additional seats become available or if a primary cadet falls out. Full details on cadet eligibility, responsibilities, and suspenses are in the Execution Plan.  Regions may direct questions to Capt Amanda Buck at or via phone at (334) 953-0251. 

The latest version of the execution plan will be maintained on Teams at Reserve Officer Training Corps > DOT – Cadet Training > Files > 002 HQ Sponsored ODTs > Flight Academy – JROTC > FY 24