CY23-054-ARMS CY23-054 FY23 Field Training Capstone

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Select cadets from 2023 Air Force ROTC Field Training will follow-on to a mission experience capstone, formerly Ops AF event. 

Events will be held at several Air and Space Force installations, and are targeted to cadets pursuing specific careers. 

The intent of the capstone is to enhance cadet’s understanding of Air Force and Space Force missions, be involved in day-to-day operations, and receive mentorship from company grade officers. The events are held at various locations and dates aligning with MAX 1, 3, 4 and 5.

The deadline for regions to finalize the cadet nominations to AFROTC/DOT via TEAMS is April 30, 2023. The nomination spreadsheet is located at Reserve Officer Training Corps > DOT – Cadet Training > Files > 002 HQ Sponsored PDTs > Field Training Capstone> MAX # - FT Capstone Roster.xlsx.

Several locations are to be determined and will be populated using Ops Air Force allocations.  We expect to have this information from the U.S. Air Force Academy in late March or early April.  The execution plan will be updated and regions informed as soon as it is received.

Cadets should be nominated to attend events that align with their career goals.  A cadet-in-charge and deputy CIC will be appointed by the cadre escort for each session and will out-brief the cadre at the conclusion of the event.

Air University has directed that AFROTC will not send cadre to Ops AF procured locations.  However, cadre are still required and will provide remote support to the host base director.  Some locations have been coordinated outside of Ops AF channels, and cadre should plan to attend in-person at these designated events.  Regions should select cadre based on their prior experience at the duty stations and their core AFSC to facilitate more effective development opportunities for cadets.

Full details on cadet eligibility, allocations, responsibilities, and suspenses are in the execution pan.  Regions may direct questions to AFROTC/DO.

The latest version of the execution plan will be maintained on Teams at Reserve Officer Training Corps > DOT – Cadet Training > Files > 002 HQ Sponsored PDTs > Field Training Capstone