Academy releases stats on the class of 2024 Published July 13, 2020 By Ray Bowden U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. -- (The Air Force Academy’s Class of 2024 reported for basic training June 25. Here is the breakdown.) According to a report released by the Admissions Office at the Air Force Academy July 9, 1,145 cadets arrived at the school to begin Basic Cadet Training. Successfully completing BCT’s six weeks of mental and physical training is among the first steps new cadets take toward earning a commission as an Air or Space force officer. The Stats Cadets from every state were admitted to the academy, along with 15 international students. That is 346 women, 30.2 % of the class, and 799 men, 69.8 percent of the class. Their average high school GPA is 3.86. -- 730 cadets are non-minorities; 134 are Asian; 103 are African American; 26 are Pacific Islanders; 10 are Native American; and 12 are unknown. One-Hundred forty-two are Hispanic. The Class of 2024 includes 63 sons and 35 daughters of service academy graduates, 8.6 percent of the class. Forty-five men and 24 women are sons and daughters of Academy graduates. Both parents of five men and five women in the Class of 2024 attended the Academy. -- Seven men and nine women are the children of U.S. Military Academy graduates -- Seven men and two women are the children of U.S. Naval Academy graduates -- One cadet is the son of a U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduate and three cadets are the sons of U.S. Merchant Marine Academy graduates -- 181 cadets are first-generation college students; 134 cadets are from single parents homes, and 61 cadets are prior enlisted service members -- 189 cadets graduated from the Air Force Academy Preparatory School -- 276 cadets are recruited athletes While the global COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges to the Academy, there were strict plans to protect the basic trainees and the school’s staff and families. “We are dedicated to keeping everyone safe and healthy but need your help,” said Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, the Academy’s superintendent, while speaking to new trainees, June 25. “Follow our health and safety guidelines, wear your masks and social distance whenever possible.” Each trainee was tested for the coronavirus, quarantined and will be monitored for two weeks, among other precautions.