AFRS leadership visits 347th RCS Published Oct. 5, 2022 By Tech. Sgt. Apryl Hall 347th Recruiting Squadron MILWAUKEE, Wis. -- Air Force Recruiting Service commander Maj. Gen. Ed Thomas, Jr., and Command Chief Master Sgt. Antonio J. Goldstrom visited personnel from the 347th Recruiting Squadron September 28, 2022. The leadership team first met with enlisted accessions recruiters from the squadron’s A Flight, which covers Northeast Illinois. The meeting took place in the first-ever Air Force total force recruiting office located in Gurnee, Illinois, where active duty, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard recruiters are stationed together. The team discussed recruiting challenges in the area and ways to combat those challenges. The general also recognized two top performers, thanking them for their dedication to the mission in one of the toughest recruiting years to date. “Your story is impressive, and you embody exactly the type of individual we want to bring into the Air and Space Forces,” Thomas said to Gurnee recruiter Tech. Sgt. Moctar Sana. “Thank you for all you do for this community.” Sana led a training initiative in his squadron where he educated recruiters on the U.S. citizenship process for future Airmen. He also shared his story of becoming a citizen by joining the Air Force. The AFRS leadership team then traveled 40 minutes north to the squadron’s headquarters in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. There they met the squadron leaders, staff and enlisted accessions recruiters from the local flight. Thomas highlighted how grateful he is to the entire team for persevering all year. “I’m so proud of this team,” the general said. “You have all played a part in the success of this squadron this year, and we can’t thank you enough for your hard work getting after the mission.” In that fitting moment, 347th RCS commander Lt. Col. Patrisha Knight announced to the leadership team and the squadron they had officially reached their year-end recruiting goal. “I could not be more proud of this team,” Knight said. “All year, we have stressed the re-definition of success. The year we looked at as insurmountable, we made it, and I am so happy to have our leadership team here with us.” After ringing the bell to signify the squadron’s goal being reached, Thomas and Goldstrom had a roundtable talk with squadron members. They focused on ways AFRS headquarters and the squadron together can help make AFRS a stronger, more efficient force. Next, the general and chief were interviewed on the squadron’s new podcast, “The Airpower Hour.” The podcast, which premiered in early October, features life stories and lessons-learned from Airmen and Guardians. The intent of the podcast is to be a tool for recruiters to use and share with prospective applicants, while mitigating misinformation about being a member of the Air or Space Force. “Helping people understand and have that human connection, to be able to meaningfully connect with people to understand what we do as military professionals is just critical,” Thomas said during his interview. “Trying to attract that high quality person who’s just got a desire to be able to serve and be a part of something bigger than themselves is part of our challenge, but also this incredible opportunity we’ve got at the end of the day.” The last item on the team’s agenda was a Milwaukee Brewers game, where Thomas was featured as the “Hero of the Game,” and Goldstrom threw out the game’s first pitch. Nearly 40 members of the 347th RCS were in attendance as well, supporting their leadership team.