U.S. Air Force Recruiting Blitzes Detroit For a Second Day Published Nov. 17, 2022 By Brian Boisvert 502nd Air Base Wing Public Affairs DETROIT, Mi -- Two U.S. Air Force officers partnered with a local Detroit recruiter and an Air Force Recruiting Service blitz team bringing information to a Detroit high school about the Aim High Flight Academy and other Air Force opportunities Nov. 15-18, 2022. The AFRS Blitz team, consisting of six officers and three enlisted Airmen, split into three teams gathered from all over the nation to supplement local recruiters and lead in-depth discussion and answer sessions about scholarships, commissioning programs and the enlistment process in nine area schools over three days. “Students haven’t been exposed to all the opportunities that are available to them and you can’t be interested in something you don’t know anything about,” said Cionne Jones, Renaissance High School college transition advisor. “I’m glad that they can at least be exposed to what is available to them, what options they have, and [they] are able to take something of value from this.” While the purpose of the 49 students coming together at this school was to talk about the Aim High Flight Academy and their ability to gain 15-hours of free flight experience, discussions pivoted to Air Force commissioning programs and questions about Air Force daily life or jobs that are currently available. Additionally, students asked about dependent care, mental health care for military members and deployment commitments or scenarios. “This completely changed my perspective on the military and my understanding about what the Air Force has to offer me,” said a student who lingered after the official briefing was over. Students spent most of the time asking deep questions about the length of commissioning contracts, types of commissioning programs or enlistment service commitments while some students engaged the team specifically about the Aim High Flight Academy. “Flying is something I was very interested in so that is why I came to this session, but now I’m definitely going to apply,” said another student. “I have been looking into a flying program but this one seems better, and it is free. My parents will be happy to hear about this.” Students received Air Force hats, pens, and water bottles for actively participating, but supplies quickly ran thin due to the quantity and quality of questions the team received over the hour and twenty minute session. This was a very successful engagement and I’m thankful that the team came to this school, stated Tech. Sgt. Alex Mengistab, enlisted accessions recruiter for the local area. For more information about the Aim High Flight Academy visit www.recruiting.af.mil/about-us/AHFA. This is part two of a three-part series.