Inside the 908th: Structures Published March 8, 2023 By Maj. John T. Stamm 908th Airlift Wing MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. -- Are you a fan of home-improvement shows? Do you ever picture yourself constructing or repairing footings, floors, slabs, foundations, walls, roofs, steps, doors, and windows for prefabricated and permanent structures? Would you like to gain the skills to construct and modify buildings? U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Debra McGrew, a 908th Civil Engineer Squadron structures specialist, searches through a bag of tools in the 25th Aerial Port Squadron breakroom at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama Saturday, Jan. 7. McGrew and other 908 CES structures personnel installed wall brackets for mounting monitors and other communications equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Maj. John T. Stamm. Two personnel were cropped out of the photo) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you might enjoy a part-time career as a Structures specialist, Air Force Specialty Code 3E3X1, with the 908th Civil Engineer Squadron. Structures specialists manage, construct, repair, and modify structural systems and wooden, masonry, metal and concrete buildings. They fabricate and repair components of buildings, utility systems and real property equipment. This could include welding, cutting, brazing and soldering ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Specialists may prepare, apply and finish mortar, concrete, plaster and stucco. They may also fabricate, repair, and install metal parts and assemblies for utility systems and buildings. “We are definitely a jack-of-all-trades career field,” said Senior Airman Helena Urban, 908 CES structures journeyman. “We do a lot of problem solving. You really learn to think outside of the box.” 3E3X1 Airmen prepare and interpret working drawings and schematics for maintaining, altering and repairing buildings and structures, review structural work progress and coordinate changes in schedules. They survey proposed work sites to determine material and labor requirements, prepare cost estimates and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Hadrian McNeil, a 908th Civil Engineer Squadron structures specialist, marks the location of a wall-stud in the 25th Aerial Port Squadron breakroom at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama Saturday, Jan. 7. 908 CES structures personnel installed wall brackets for mounting monitors and other communications equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. John T. Stamm) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res Individuals interested in this specialty must have a minimum Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery score of 47 on the Mechanical portion, have normal color vision, be able to routinely lift 70lbs and not possess a fear of heights. Completion of high school with courses in mathematics, mechanical drawing and use of metal, masonry and wood working tools is desirable. “If you want to learn different skills that you can apply to everyday life, this is the job to be in,” said Urban. “Before I joined the military, I had never even really picked up a hammer. Now I’m building stuff as well as breaking it down. I love it!” If you are interested in a part-time career with full-time benefits as a Reserve Citizen Airman with the 908th Airlift Wing, please contact our Recruiting staff at 334-953-6737.