Memphis blitz takes on 12 local schools Published Jan. 31, 2024 By Staff Sgt. Alexis Suarez Detachment 1 JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOPLH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) Detachment 1 partnered with local Enlisted Accession Recruiters for a series of recruiting events in the Memphis area this past week. The Total Force effort focused on visiting high schools and coordinated events geared towards students to promote different Air Force career opportunities during January 23-26, 2024. During the week, the Memphis blitz teams were able to target 12 different high schools informing the youth of U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force opportunities. The blitz teams consisted of Rated Officers, Gold Bar Recruiters and Enlisted Accession Recruiters. Detachment 1 members were also there to answer questions about flight scholarships and various Air Force careers and benefits. “I had an amazing experience getting to support local EA recruiters in my squadron while also learning more about aviation related career fields,” said Second Lieutenant Charlotte Vick, Gold Bar Recruiter, 345th Recruiting Squadron. “These events are great opportunities to showcase careers in the Air and Space Force to young students in local communities.” The goal of these blitz events is to reach and inspire young students who may already know about the military or those who may not have even thought about the military and the many career fields offered. “These recruiting events are essential to the local student body because they provide them with a real-life opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of an individual’s path to become an enlisted member, commissioned officer, or an aviator,” said Captain Russell “Turret” Whitmarsh, 25th Operations Support Squadron Flight Commander of Operations and Plans. “Hearing a service members excitement, challenges, daily lifestyle and overall rewards of the career path brings more authenticity to these events.” Detachment 1’s RDI (Rated Diversity Improvement) efforts are centered around exposing under-represented groups across the nation to aviation opportunities, with the goal of increasing the diversity of Rated Officers across the following career fields: Pilot, Combat Systems Officer, Air Battle Manager, and Remotely Piloted Aircraft. The goal is to inspire the next generation, increase diversity, and attract the best talent for our Air and Space Forces. With that mission in mind, local recruiters and blitz teams across the nation will be hosting events and coordinating with their respective local schools.