315 AW Development and Training Flight Discuss Oath of Enlistment

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Della Creech
  • 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Past, present and future Airmen came together to talk about the importance of the Oath of Enlistment at a 315th Airlift Wing Development and Training Flight event on June 1, 2024, at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina.

The wing's DT Flight held a ceremony in which 45 trainees gave their commitment to honor the Oath of Enlistment, two received the oath, as well as one reenlistment.

“It was powerful to see a DTF leader reenlist and recommit shoulder-to-shoulder with his trainees,” said Senior Master Sgt. Tamika Culpepper, 315 AW Recruiting Flight chief.

Tech. Sgt. Jeff Sanderson, 315 AW DT Flight coordinator, used this opportunity to extend his commitment to the United States Air Force Reserve by reenlisting alongside the new enlistees. Additionally, several veterans of the Vietnam War were in attendance, to which Sanderson acknowledged the importance of our local military community. 

“It's important to show them the level of support that we show to our veterans early,” said Sanderson. “We always hear ‘thank you for your service,’ but hearing how others have served brings that phrase new meaning.”

One Vietnam Veteran, Jeffrey Waters, spoke of the importance of a commitment to service before the recruits performed the Oath of Enlistment.

"It's a proud heritage that I’m grateful to share with our next generation," said Waters. 

The new enlistees experienced military tradition and ceremony for the first time as they swore in.

“By joining the Air Force Reserve, I know that I’m giving myself opportunities to change my life for the better,” said new recruit Javon Felder, who will be part of the 315 AW. 

Felder’s family came out to support their new Airman and said they look forward to the community they are joining, opportunities and leadership skills that the Air Force will instill within their son.

If you are interested in enlisting or finding out more information about the U.S. Air Force Reserve, please call the 315 AW Recruiting office at (843) 963-5363, or visit https://www.afreserve.com/. To find a recruiter near you, click here.