Team Foster

Members of the 339th Recruiting Squadron supported the Komen Race for the Cure in Detroit June 7. The team ran in support of Chief Master Sgt. Jacqueline Foster, 339th RCS superintendent, who is battling breast cancer. She was well enough to complete the 5K walk. The team was a surprise for the chief, who was asked to be at the squadron headquarters on that Saturday morning. She was greeting by people wearing “Team Foster” T-shirts and two people in bright pink wigs. From left are Faye Donaldson; Airman 1st Class Eric Onan, Technical Degree Sponsorship Program member; Master Sgt. Patrick Goodwin, first sergeant; Master Sgt. Fred Barrett, client systems; Jack Head, logistician; Joanne Cromie, C-Flight administrator; Foster; a family member; Lt. Col. Chad Rauls, former squadron commander; Maj. Stephen Hatcher, operations flight commander; Master Sgt. Mark Winters, operations flight chief; Capt. Capt Brandy Donaldson, support flight commander; Staff Sgt. Stephen Phillips, line officer recruiter; and Ken McCart. The four children in front are Donaldson’s – Aryana and Liam – and McCart’s – Ethan and Lexie. (U.S. Air Force photo)

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 140630-F-DK070-002.JPG
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