*Do Not Delete photos, images, documents, etc. listed under the Site Media tab*
Site Media, much like a shared drive, contains assets contributed by all Air Force Accessions Center content managers. Content managers are to only interact with the files they contribute which in most cases will appear under the My Media tab. The exception is you may copy images found under the Service Media or All Media tab and update the category information for the imported object.
The Shared Media Manager is a tool used to upload and manage photos, art, and graphics on your website. It also creates a sharing environment in that it allows you to add images to your site from other sites hosted in AFPIMS. For assistance on using the Shared Media Manager, contact the AU Site Manager at 953-3924, additionally consult the Media Management section of the Quick Reference Guides.
For all uploaded images, ensure you select your unit's / activities name from the Category Dropdown. This will help you more easily filter the images for use in your Slide Show, Mosiac Links and your Article modules.
Select to Upload New Photos / Graphics