
Prospective Instructors

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New Applications are Welcome! 

READ: How to Get Hired as an AFJROTC Instructor

2025 Application Requirements

Click Here to View the JROTC Standardized Instructor Pay Scale 

NOTE: The new JSIPS minimum pay amounts apply to all new hires (this includes current instructors transferring to another school.  AFJROTC will not implement the two-step increase for Enlisted SASIs until further policy is approved. 

Click here to see the current instructor vacancy listing (NOTE: Look only for the rank category (officer or enlisted) that matches the rank you hold.)

Click here to see an interactive map of all instructor vacancies

Please read ALL this information to ensure you understand the entire process.


- Are retired from a component of the Air Force with at least 10 years of service

- Are currently serving in the Air National Guard/Air Force Reserve (traditional/drilling) with at least 10 years of service

- Are Honorably Discharged Veterans from a component of the Air Force with at least 10 years of service and separated no longer than 60 months

- Hold/held any AFSC

- Hold/held a current, final, or retired grade of E6 to E9, or O3 to O6 (NOTE: Recently commissioned officers who met all criteria to apply while they were enlisted may apply as O1/O2)

- Possess a minimum of an associate degree (enlisted), or bachelor's (officer) in any discipline

INSTRUCTOR APPLICATION: The requirements of the instructor application process are self-explanatory.  New applications are submitted online through a link found in this website.  New applications processed in the order they are received. Please note the requirement to be interviewed by a current instructor is to ensure a new applicant understands AFJROTC. Once an application approval letter is issued to an applicant, the approved applicant will be placed in the queue for a background check and provide instructions on how to access the Initial Instructor Training Course.

BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS:  The AFJROTC Background Check is a Tier-1 investigation with Childcare Inquires.  This background check is mandatory, regardless of any current security clearance you may possess.  This specific process is part of receiving an AFJROTC instructor certification only.  Schools will also do a background check as part of their employment process. Information provided during the AFJROTC background check is not shared or connected in any way to a school’s background check. The AFJROTC background check is a comprehensive background investigation is performed by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) focusing on factors that determine an applicant's suitability to work with children in the high school environment. Headquarters AFJROTC will assist you in getting your background check package compiled and Headquarters will transmit your package to DCSA. All applicants must be found 'suitable' or 'fit' to continue in AFJROTC.  

INITIAL INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSE:  Only approved applicants can access the Initial Instructor Certification Course (IICC). The IICC is all virtual and must be taken by all applicants, regardless of any previous instructional experience or courses taken. Completion of all IICC training can be accomplished any time after the initial application is approved or delayed up to 30 calendar days following AFJROTC employment start. It is highly recommended that any new AFJROTC instructor complete IICC prior to day 1 of employment to be as prepared as possible to perform AFJROTC duties.

PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATION:  Once an approved applicant's background check is submitted to DCSA, they will be issued a Provisional Certification. Provisional Certification allows a new instructor to begin AFJROTC work in a school under the observation/supervision of a fully certified AFJROTC instructor, or qualified faculty/administration official. Provisional Certification remains in place until the background check is successfully finalized and the IICC is successfully completed, at which time a full certification can be issued.

CONTACTING A SCHOOL WITH AN ADVERTISED VACANCY:  It is important that anyone interested in a particular school focus first on getting a certification, so they can be sure they are qualified, approved and certified. However, there is no prohibition on any potential new applicant, current applicant or certified instructor contacting any school with an advertised vacancy to learn about their school, area or AFJROTC program. Anyone who does not yet possess an AFJROTC certification must ensure this fact is clearly communicated when discussing any potential employment. Once a new applicant gains an AFJROTC certification, they can be officially hired by a school. Employment start dates must be coordinated in advance of the employment start date with Headquarters AFJROTC. 

INTERVIEW TIPS:  Be punctual! Wear your service dress uniform during the interview. Be genuine in every way. Everything you say and do (verbal/nonverbal) will be part of your interview. Headquarters AFJROTC does not provide any of your application documents to the school. Therefore, if you want to present any documentation, it is up to you. 

ARE THERE ANY UPCOMING VACANCIES IN A CERTAIN AREA?  No vacancies are hidden. We post all actual vacancies or future vacancies as soon as we officially know of them. If a school is not listed as having a vacancy, that means we do not yet know of a vacancy at that school. Vacancies are removed from the listing once the school notifies Headquarters AFJROTC that a tentative hiring decision is imminent.

WHAT ABOUT DODEA SCHOOLS?  AFJROTC instructor positions in DODEA schools are restricted to experienced AFJROTC instructors with at least two school years of AFJROTC experience.

APPLICATION AND HIRING SEASON IS ALL YEAR: New applications can be submitted at any time of year. Vacancies are filled by schools throughout the calendar year. It is important that anyone interested in a particular school focus first on getting a certification, so they can be considered for hire by a school.

The success of Air Force Junior ROTC would not be possible without the expertise and dedication of the nearly 1,600 Airmen who serve as Aerospace Science Instructors. 

Air Force Junior ROTC is a full program and is not always limited to the “regular” school day, or in the classroom setting. Air Force Junior ROTC instructors often supervise Leadership Development Requirements (LDRs) after regular school hours. LDRs are experiential learning activities like drill teams, academic bowl teams, marksmanship teams, etc. A robust and highly successful AFJROTC program will have several active LDRs throughout the year.

Air Force Junior ROTC Program Staffing.  Each Air Force Junior ROTC program must be staffed with a minimum of two instructors. More instructors are added as enrollment grows. An Air Force Junior ROTC unit typically has one officer and one enlisted instructor. 

Officer instructors have at least a bachelor’s degree. Over 90 percent of them have master’s degrees with backgrounds in teaching, extensive experience managing complex programs, and many have significant experience working with youth groups.

Enlisted instructors are noncommissioned officers who must have at least an associate degree, but many have a bachelor’s degree or higher. All enlisted instructors have extensive experience in leadership, supply, administration, drill and ceremony, teaching, and many have significant experience working with youth groups.

Responsibilities of All Instructors. Instructors will exhibit only the highest levels of personal and professional conduct while serving as an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor. The proverbial "glass house" analogy applies here. Instructors perform duties, accept responsibilities, and meet standards as prescribed by applicable Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force and Air Force Junior ROTC instructions. Instructors supervise cadets participating in official AFJROTC unit events, AFJROTC community service events, and other unit activities (e.g. drill competitions, curriculum-in-action trips, base visits, etc.) that enhance or supplement the program. 

All Air Force Junior ROTC instructors are deeply involved in their communities. They teach Air Force Junior ROTC aerospace science and leadership education curricula. They also serve as liaisons between the Air Force and civilian agencies in the aerospace field and perform career and performance counseling for AFJROTC cadets.

Instructors devote themselves to cadets in the classroom and during LDR activities. Their hard work and devotion have resulted in an Air Force Junior ROTC program that’s highly acclaimed at the local and national level.

Essential Functions of All Air Force Junior ROTC Instructors. To successfully serve as an AFJROTC Instructor, an applicant must be able to:

1)  Conduct Academic Classes. An Air Force Junior ROTC Instructor is expected to prepare for and teach periods of instruction of 45 to 90 minutes each, for as many as 4 to 6 periods per day, depending on a particular school’s schedule. Each class period may contain 30 students (possibly more in unusual circumstances) holding a range of ages and maturity levels and coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Teaching academic classes involves significant organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills, as well as a high degree of patience.

2) Lead Before and/or After-School Activities. An Air Force Junior ROTC Instructor is expected to coordinate and lead a variety of school activities, possibly held before or after each school day, both indoors and outdoors. These activities may include physical training events, academic clubs, rocketry teams, marksmanship teams, along with performing drill instruction and demonstrating drill sequences. Leading extracurricular activities involves significant organizational skills, strong teambuilding skills, and physical stamina.

3) Lead Off-Campus Events. An Air Force Junior ROTC instructor is expected to lead field trips to historical sites, visits to local government agencies and military installations, and to march in parades with their cadets. Leading off campus events involves significant organizational skills, physical stamina, and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.

4) Be an Ambassador of the Air Force. An Air Force Junior ROTC instructor is expected to always exemplify a positive image of the Air Force by conducting themselves in a highly professional manner in both their words and their actions. Additionally, an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor is expected to maintain a professional military appearance in uniform.

5) Complete any additional state and/or local school district mandated teacher certification or continuing education requirements. Any additional certification requirements above the basic Air Force Junior ROTC instructor certification must be accomplished at no expense to the Air Force.

6) Successfully incorporate Air Force Junior ROTC-approved interactive learning software/hardware with classroom instruction, and have a competent knowledge of curriculum planning, Air Force educational programs, drill and ceremonies, and educational administration, including tests and measurements. Academic, administrative, logistical, financial support tasks, and after-school activities will be equally shared by all instructors as regular duties.

7) Complete all mandatory Air Force Junior ROTC instructor training

1.  What is the Air Force Junior ROTC program?
Air Force Junior ROTC is not a recruiting program for the military.  Air Force Junior ROTC exists only to instill (in high school students, grades 9-12) the values of citizenship, service, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.  The Air Force Junior ROTC program is a 3 to 4-year course of military-based instruction (academics and leadership development requirements).  The curriculum includes an introduction to aviation history, aviation and space science, college and career readiness, global studies, practical leadership, and health and wellness.

2. What is the mission of the Air Force Junior ROTC program?
The mission of the Air Force Junior ROTC program is developing citizens of character. More specifically, the program is designed to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in air and space fundamentals. 

3.  Who are the instructors in this course?
Instructors are all current (Guard or Reserve members) or former members of the United States Air Force.  Normally, one officer and one enlisted are employed by the school at each program. The officer is designated as the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI), and the enlisted as the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI).   Additional enlisted instructors are authorized if the cadet enrollment exceeds certain enrollment levels. Air Force Junior ROTC instructors continue to wear their Air Force uniform in the performance of their duties. As such, instructors are required to meet and maintain Air Force uniform wear and grooming standards.

4.  Who may apply for the SASI position?
Officers (Captain-O3 thru Colonel-O6) who meet the following qualifications may apply: Bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited institution; possess high standards of military bearing, appearance, and moral character. Desirable prerequisites: Master’s degree, teaching experience, command experience, and experience working with youth groups. Although AFJROTC provides certification training for applicants selected to teach AFJROTC, some schools may require instructors to be state certified as a high school teacher or willing to work toward and achieve certification within a prescribed period.

5.  Who may apply for the ASI position?
Noncommissioned Officers (NCO’s) in the grades of TSgt-E6 thru CMSgt-E9 who meet the following prerequisites may apply: Hold a minimum of an associate degree, possess high standards of military bearing, appearance, and moral character.  Desirable qualifications: bachelor’s degree of higher; experience in supply, administration, drill and ceremonies, classroom teaching, and working with youth groups. Although AFJROTC provides certification training for applicants selected to teach AFJROTC, some schools may require instructors to be state certified as a high school teacher or willing to work toward and achieve certification within a prescribed period.

6.  What is the SASI’s job?
The SASI manages the entire program.  Although they spend much of their time in the classroom, often after school activities like drill team practice or rocket team are a fundamental part of the job.  The SASI must be involved in community relations, liaising with other Air Force and civilian agencies in the aerospace field, and fundraising activities for the unit or charitable institutions. As classroom teachers, they will typically be required to teach five out of six periods in the school day. They wear their Air Force uniform while performing AFJROTC duties. Although the Air Force provides significant guidance for managing the program, self-direction, initiative, and self-reliance are essential traits of the SASI. 

7.  What is the ASI’s job?
In the context of Air Force Junior ROTC program operations, the ASI is supervised by the SASI. In most programs, the ASI is responsible for the Leadership Education portion of the curriculum. This includes drill and ceremonies, principles of leadership and management, and communication skills. They assist the SASI in teaching Aerospace Science, particularly those areas where they have special competence because of their experience and training. The same NCO-officer, subordinate-supervisor relationship which existed on active duty must be maintained in the Air Force Junior ROTC unit. Only those NCOs who can support the objectives of Air Force Junior ROTC and give their full loyalty, support, and cooperation to the SASI in achieving goals should apply..

8.  For whom do instructors work?
Instructors are employees of the school but are certified to teach Air Force Junior ROTC by the Air Force. Instructors are responsible to both the school authorities and Air Force Junior ROTC for the conduct of the program. The SASI works for the principal and is the direct supervisor of the ASI (in the context all things Air Force Junior ROTC). The school and each instructor mutually agree on the length of the instructor’s contract (not less than 10 months per year, up to 12 months). Even though the instructor’s contract is with the school, the Air Force reserves the right to remove instructors from the program through decertification action if their performance or conduct is found to be unsatisfactory.

9.  May the instructors teach non-Air Force Junior ROTC subjects, such as math or social studies?
No. Air Force Junior ROTC instructors perform only those duties connected with the instruction, operation, and administration of the AFJROTC program. Individuals employed as Air Force Junior ROTC instructors will not perform duties or teach classes in any discipline other than AFJROTC-directed curriculum. However, this provision is not intended to preclude Air Force Junior ROTC instructors from serving on committees or performing other routine duties that are rotated regularly among other teachers in the school.

10.  What is the relationship of the instructors to other members of the faculty?
The SASI and ASI are members of the school faculty and teach an integral part of the school’s curriculum. They are subject to the many of the same assignments and duties as other teachers (such as lunchroom monitor) and usually receive the same benefits of sick leave, holidays, and vacations as do the other teachers. Some states/school districts may require the SASI and ASI to be certified as high school teachers above and beyond the basic Air Force Junior ROTC instructor certification. Air Force Junior ROTC recommends that the SASI and ASI work toward those certifications. In some states, the ASI is permitted to teach military subjects without certification and may serve as a classroom assistant without being teacher certified by the state. See the web page called “JROTC Certifications by State.”

11. What pay does the instructor receive?
The Air Force does not pay instructors - the employing school pays the salary. Instructors must be paid at least the JROTC Standardized Instructor Pay Scale (JSIPS) minimum instructor pay (MIP) that corresponds to their grade, academic degree, and location of school. Schools may not pay less than the MIP but may pay above the minimum. Any amount above the minimum is subject to negotiation between the instructor and the school. The Air Force reimburses the school one-half of the MIP only, each month, for a minimum of 10 months, up to a maximum of 12 months. Note: MIP does not have to be met while an instructor is on Terminal Leave.
12.  What is the length of the contract?
The MINIMUM instructor employment contract length is 10 months each school year. However, the lengths of contracts vary after that. The school’s budget, school policy, and individual negotiating skill affect longer contract lengths. Some may offer up to 12-month contract.

13.  Will the school or the Air Force reimburse me for interview or moving costs? No. 

14.  What does the Air Force furnish the AFJROTC units?
The Air Force supplies curriculum materials, uniforms for students, some training equipment, limited funding (O&M and MILPER), and the AF reimburses the school one-half of an instructor’s minimum instructor pay (MIP) calculation each month.

15.  What does the school furnish?
The school pays 100% of each instructor's salary (then reimbursed 50% of MIP by the Air Force in arrears), facilities for classroom instruction, equipment and uniform storage, a drill area, and the same supervision, support, and equipment normally provided other teachers and classes.

16.  Where are the AFJROTC units located?
Air Force Junior ROTC is mandated to sustain 870 schools in 49 states, 12 Department of Defense Dependent School (DoDDS), and 2 in Guam. Use this locator to find units.

17.  Who is responsible for the success of the Air Force Junior ROTC program?
The success of the program in any school depends primarily on the instructor team, but all faculty and school administrators, and Headquarters AFJROTC have an important role. For instructors, the differences in skill, experience, and grade enable each instructor to relate to the cadets in a different way and are thus, complementary.  A team effort is required for a successful program and is key in determining whether the program will attract the required number and quality of students. Therefore, a collaborative effort is imperative to the viability of the program and instructor tenure.

18.  How are applicants evaluated?
Once the initial application is approved, a Tier 1 with Childcare Inquires background check must be accomplished. Also, mandatory initial training must be completed. If all is found to be satisfactory, then applicants are issued a certification and can then be hired in a school.

19.  How does the hiring process work?
Instructor vacancies are posted on the AFJROTC website. New applicants or certified instructors may contact schools of their choice. School officials interview nominees and select the instructor they feel fits best into their school construct. Air Force Junior ROTC has no role in the interview or actual hiring of an instructor, other than certifying new applicants and referring them to the school. NOTE: no person can begin employment without first coordinating with Headquarters AFJROTC. The application and background check process can take a few weeks.

20.  How will I find out about available positions?
Instructor vacancies are posted on the AFJROTC website. All vacancies are posted as soon as we know about them.

21.  What are my chances for selection?
It is up to you, your interview skills and what you may bring to the table as an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor. Each school chooses who they want to hire.

22.  When should I apply?
As soon as possible, regardless of current vacancies. Because the submission and approval process takes a few weeks, having an approved application in the system ensures that you don’t miss out on short-notice/quick-fill opportunities. Your application stays active in the system for five years, and there's absolutely no obligation for applying.

23.  How long will my application be retained on file?
Certifications are good for five years. Instructors who terminate employment and remain eligible for reemployment, stay eligible for five years after their date of last termination.

24.  Will you return my records, resume, or other data I provide at the time of application?
No. However, we only accept electronic documents, so this should not be an issue.

25.  What if I retired with Air Force or VA disability?
The fact of having retired with a disability is not an issue. What matters is that you can fully perform the essential functions of an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor. You will complete an Occupational Screening Questionnaire telling us if you can perform the essential functions of an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor.  

26. Why and what type of photo is required with my application?
This is needed for positive identification purposes. A current, color full-length (head-to toe pose) .jpg or .pdf photo in Air Force blues (no coat or jacket) or business attire (no coat or jacket). The photo does not need to be taken by a professional photographer. 

27.  As an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor, will my military status change?
No, your military status does not change. Although you teach aerospace science and are associated with the Air Force as an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor, you are a school employee.

Initial Application Process:  Before any person can be hired by a school, they must have received a certification from Headquarters AFJROTC. 

The initial application process screens candidates for general suitability, including service performance, college degrees, and desire to teach in the high school environment. Not all applications are approved. If the initial application is approved, the applicant must undergo the Initial Instructor Certification Course (IICC) and a Tier 1 background check with Childcare Inquiries. If all the aforementioned items are satisfactory, the applicant is then certified to teach AFJROTC. 

All applications are taken via this website. Those who do not meet the initial screening requirements for use of the online application may still be considered on a case-by-case basis if they receive a waiver from the Chief of Instructor Management. An example: if the applicant's time since retirement has slightly exceeded five years, and they desire to apply for an extended vacancy or hard-to-fill location.  

Certification Process:  HQ AFJROTC provides the basic certification for all AFJROTC Instructors to teach in AFJROTC. No instructor can become (or remain) an AFJROTC instructor without the certification granted by HQ AFJROTC.

Interview Process:  If a candidate is interested in a posted vacancy, they are free to contact the school and accomplish any district paperwork, school-conducted background check, or other items necessary to complete the local process. Each school will guide all instructor applicants accordingly. Be sure to ask questions so there a no surprises!  

Anyone being interviewed must put their best foot forward. Wearing the Service Dress Uniform should always be the first choice for an in-person interview, since AFJROTC Instructors are required to wear the blue service uniform in the course of AFJROTC duties.

Hiring Process:  Once a school decides on a candidate to hire, the school must contact Headquarters AFJROTC Instructor Management by email at to communicate the name of the person and the desired future employment start date.  Once Instructor Management receives this email, the person’s AFJROTC instructor certification status will be verified.  If all is well, Instructor Management will send information to the school about the candidate’s Minimum Instructor Pay, and provide any other paperwork needed to finalize the hiring action.  NOTE: The official employment start date must be after Instructor Management provides the verification of the candidate’s status and provides the necessary paperwork needed to confirm their employment. 

NOTE to applicants: DO NOT accept an offer of employment without fully understanding the contract length and the salary! The school must offer a minimum of a 10-month contract at the monthly Minimum Instructor Pay (MIP).  They do not have to offer more than that, but many do. (NOTE: While on Terminal Leave, MIP is not mandated to be met.) The schools have the final say on which instructor they choose to hire. 

Additional Education Requirements:  Each state or district may levy additional certification or professional development requirements on their faculty, including AFJROTC Instructors. HQ AFJROTC does not prohibit any such requirements, but additional requirements should be carefully measured, since AFJROTC instructors can only teach AFJROTC-approved curriculum. It's wise to ask the school district's hiring official about specific state requirements.

READ: How to Get Hired as an AFJROTC Instructor

Greetings and thank you for your interest in becoming an AFJROTC Instructor!  Please read all of this thoroughly BEFORE you start an application.   

Process Flow:

New AFJROTC Application and Certification Flow Instructions 

Am I obligated for applying?  You incur no obligation for applying.  Once you receive a certification, the decision to seek employment at any school, or to accept a hiring offer from any school is your choice. 

Is my military pay or retired pay impacted in any way?  Being an AFJROTC instructor has no impact on your military pay, retired pay, or any VA compensation.  Being an AFJROTC instructor is civilian employment, that carries aspects of the Air Force.

Minimum application requirements:

INTEGRITY FIRST: Providing any false or misleading information at any time is an integrity violation and will result in your permanent disqualification.  

1) Must have a minimum of 10 years of service as of the date of the application. 

2) Must be retired from, separated from, or currently serving in a component of the Department of the Air Force. All Air Force JROTC instructors must be from Air Force/Space Force active or reserve component. 

3) Hold now or held a final a grade of E6 to E9, or O3 to O6. (NOTE: Recently commissioned officers who met all criteria to apply while they were enlisted may apply as O1/O2)

4) Have a minimum of an associate degree (enlisted) or bachelor’s (officer) completed prior to applying (major/minor is not relevant). A copy of the transcripts showing degree completion must be provided.

5) Use a commercial e-mail address (may not use .mil email addresses).  Always check your "Junk," "Spam," or "Bulk Mail" folders throughout this process.

6) Falsifications (including omissions of facts) on an application may result in application disapproval.  Falsification of an application (or omission of facts) may result in decertification, even if discovered after being hired into a school, regardless of time.

7) Be sure that you have read and understand ALL of the following information. If you meet all the minimum requirements stated above, the following information lists the items you will need to complete your application:

  • RETIREMENT ORDERS: Retired/retiring Airmen. NOTE: All Air Force Junior ROTC instructors will display on their uniform, and will be addressed as, the grade in which they were officially retired. This may or may not be the grade held at retirement. Why?  Active-Duty officer retirement orders show a "retired grade" and "highest grade held." Officers who do not complete the mandatory time-in-grade requirements before retiring (or get a time-in-grade waiver from AFPC) will be officially retired in the next lower grade. 
  • POINTS SUMMARY: Current, retired, or honorably discharged Guard and Reserve members only. Must verify at least 10 satisfactory service years. You can request this via HQ ARPC.
  • DATA VERIFICATION BRIEF: Currently serving (not retired/separated) Guard or Reserve members only.
  • FINAL DD FORM 214: Honorably Discharged Veterans only.
  • COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS: Must provide a copy of the transcripts showing degree completion must be provided. Enlisted must have a minimum of an associate degree, officer a minimum of a bachelors, completed prior to applying (major/minor is not relevant). 
  • DEROGATORY INFORMATION / ADVERSE ACTIONS: If you have any derogatory or adverse information in your past, you must disclose it on your application.  Disclosing it does not necessarily disqualify you--that decision will be based on the actual information. However, failing to report any derogatory information can disqualify you.  You must fully explain any derogatory/adverse information and include supporting documents with your application package. All negative information needs to be disclosed at this time and explained. Failure to do so could result in your application being permanently disapproved. Please be advised that all applicants will be screened through an Air Force Legal Office for previous judicial/non-judicial punishment records, as well as a Tier 1 with Childcare Inquiries background check. Furthermore, please know that schools will also do a thorough background check prior to employment.  
  • PHOTO: Photos are required to 1) identify an applicant, and 2) to assess their military image.  A current full-length photograph in Air Force blues (no coat/jacket) or business attire (no coat/jacket). This does not need to be professional photo but be sure it is in .jpg or .pdf format only. We must be able to clearly see that you are within Air Force Dress and Appearance standards since all AFJROTC instructors wear an Air Force uniform frequently.
  • REFERENCES: Two references with daytime contact information (complete phone numbers) are required to complete your application. One reference should be your most recent/current supervisor/commander. None of the references should be related to you in any way. A standardized set of questions will be used when references are contacted. Please note: the JRI staff will not attempt to find alternate contact information so the burden to provide quality contact information is placed on the applicant. 
  • PERFORMANCE REPORTS/BRIEFS: You must provide copies of your last 5 years of Performance Reports/Briefs. The full 5-year timeframe (5 years prior to retirement or application date) must be accounted for either by providing the reports/briefs or explaining why something is not there. Refer to AFI 36-2406 for when reports/briefs are/were mandatory, and when they are optional. Missing mandatory reports/briefs may be disqualifying.  

If you do not have copies of your last 5 years of performance reports, you may request them from or

  • OCCUPATIONAL SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE: You will need to fill out, sign, and submit an AFJROTC Occupational Screening Questionnaire. If you have any medical/physical condition that may limit you from fully performing AFJROTC instructor duties, or that requires any sort of accommodation by an employer, you will need a note from your Physician explaining it all. This form can be downloaded in the online application module.
  • APPLICATION INTERVIEW WORKSHEET: A current AFJROTC instructor must conduct an in-person interview with you. This interview is from an experienced AFJROTC instructor at a high school in your area. This interview helps determine that you understand the overarching aspects of being an instructor and if you are a good fit for an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor position. To find the nearest Air Force Junior ROTC unit, go to You will see a map with “pins” where all the units are located. Just scroll down the page and you will see the listing with contact numbers. Please contact them to set up your interview. The instructor will have the interview form and will send the completed copy to our office. If they choose to give you a copy, you may send it to us as well. 

- Getting an approved instructor application is the first step. After you receive an approved instructor application, you must have your background check submitted to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency before you can receive a Provisional Certification. You must have a certification before you can be hired by any school.  Once hired, the Initial Instructor Certification Course must be completed no later than the 30th calendar day following employment start but can be completed much sooner. You will receive instructions on all of that once you have an approved application. 

- There is no prohibition on any potential new applicant or current applicant contacting any school to learn about their school, area or AFJROTC program. However, anyone who does not yet possess an AFJROTC certification must ensure this fact is communicated when discussing potential AFJROTC employment. Once a new applicant gains an AFJROTC certification, they can be officially hired by a school into AFJROTC. It is best to get your certification before talking with a school!

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