
Holm Center Inspector General (IG)

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Lt Col Carmel R. Weed, Jr.Lt Col David A. Cortez
Inspector General, Holm Center

The IG ensures the concerns of all complainants and the best interest of the Air Force are addressed through objective fact-finding.  IGs assist Airmen of all ranks, family members, civilian employees, retirees, and other civilians. 

Where do I start?  Though not required, commanders and supervisors should be your first stop when you have a complaint.  Complaints resolution is an inherent part of a commander’s or supervisor's responsibility. However, if they can’t help, or if they are at the root of the complaint, contact the IG.  If you are unsure about what to do, give me a call and we can discuss your options.


Holm Center Inspector General Complaints Mission
- Ensure Command Integrity-
Inspector General’s Role:
  • We educate Airmen, CC’s & supervisors on their rights and responsibilities in the AF IG system
  • Our customer is the USAF, we help rectify systemic problems that hinder mission success
  • We may refer issues to command to allow the chain of command to respond to issues
  • We are independent and report only to the Holm Center Commander or higher
  • We make recommendations, commanders take action
  • We investigate reprisal and restriction allegations
  • We are fact finders, not advocates
Air Force Members Role:
  • Prove case with substantiating records, burden of proof lies with the member
  • Attempt to give the chain of command a chance to address issues
  • Be patient, resolution takes time
Inspector General Duty Badge

Holm Center Inspector General
Building 836, Room 208G
130 West Maxwell Blvd
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6613
DSN 493-8825
Commercial 334-953-8825 or 800-522-0033

How do I file a complaint?

Complete an AF Form 102 and submit it to the IG office at: or call an IG Hotline at any level:

Holm Center:  334-953-8825, or 1-800-522-0033, Option 2 | AETC:  210-652-4460 | SAF:  1-800-538-8429 | DoD:  1-800-424-909

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