AFROTC Article Search

  • CY24-004 FY24 JROTC Flight Academy ODT

    JROTC is offering 10 allocations for AFROTC cadets to participate in their JROTC Flight Academy.  This 8-week intensive program provides enough instruction to allow cadets to earn their Private Pilot Certificate (PPC)! The Flight Academy is targeted towards AS300 cadets competing for a rated AFSC. 

  • CY23-153 Waiver to AFROTCI 36-2011V3 Chapter 17

    AFROTC/RR, as OPR for AFROTCI 36-2011V3, para 17.4.3., waives the requirement for AFROTC Detachments to collect and send accessed officer transcripts to AFIT Academic Coding Branch (AFIT), and submits the following solution which will be codified into the next revision of the aforementioned

  • CY23-158 2024 Project GO Summer Language Program

    The Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) has invited AFROTC cadets to participate in the 2024 Project Global Officer (GO) summer language programs.  Project GO provides opportunities for ROTC cadets and midshipmen to engage in intensive language instruction and cultural

  • CY23-157 Nominations for SECAF’s 2024 National Security Forum

    On behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force, your Air War College will host its 70th annual National Security Forum (NSF) from 7-9 May 2024 at Air University. The NSF facilitates the free and open exchange of ideas and perspectives between our faculty, students, and approximately 100 invited civic

  • CY23-146 AY 23-24 Gold Bar Recruiter Nominations

    1. Solicit nominations for the GBR Program. Nominees must be projected to graduate by Spring CY24 and must commission by 31 May 2024. GBRs are AFROTC’s primary recruiting force for the High School Scholarship program (HSSP) and serve as the focal point for diversity recruiting. Duties include

  • CY23-054-ARMS CY23-054 FY23 Field Training Capstone

    Select cadets from 2023 Air Force ROTC Field Training will follow-on to a mission experience capstone, formerly Ops AF event. Events will be held at several Air and Space Force installations, and are targeted to cadets pursuing specific careers. The intent of the capstone is to enhance cadet’s

  • CY23-037-FY23 Gathering of Eagles Execution Plan

    Air Command and Staff College has extended an invitation for 12 cadets to attend this year’s Gathering of Eagles Shadows program. GOE is an annual educational event geared to allow the ACSC student body to learn from and honor men and women who have made significant contributions to air, space, and

  • CY23-055-FY23 Red Flag Execution Plan

    Through a partnership with Air Force Global Strike Command, funding is available for 100 cadets and eight cadre to attend Red Flag at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Red Flag is a two-week advanced aerial combat training exercise held three times a year. This professional development training is

  • CY23-001-Chaplain Corps (HC) Application Timeline

    HC Application Timeline:31 Jan 23 - Completed application package submitted to HC POC for AFRC/HC approval**15 Mar 23 - Approved for Candidate Program by an Ecclesiastical Endorser**15 Mar 23 - Enrolled in Seminary Classes* It is highly recommended graduating cadets contact the HC POC as soon as

  • Charles McGee Leadership Award

    The Charles McGee Leadership Award (CMLA) is a 2-year scholarship to help relieve financial burdens and allow all qualified cadets to focus on their academic and leadership development. Eligible cadets are granted a two-year tuition award of $18,000 per year or this can be converted to a housing